DOMOKAT S.A. Company
DOMOKAT S.A. The Greek expressed its desire to work inside Iraq through coordination with the Iraqi-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the most prominent of its services and services

DOMOKAT S.A. Considered one of the largest general technical and commercial contracting companies in the field of excellent quality projects related to the implementation of public works and investments for the immediate development of land as well as the sale of houses. Domocat SA is heavily involved in renewable energy with private investments in solar and solar gardens as well as in the production of biofuels. Established in 1994.
Where she contributed to the establishment of several mega projects, explained on the official website of WWW.DOMOKAT.GR
The most prominent projects carried out by the company
Construction and repair of hotels
Development of residential and commercial properties
Industrial Buildings
So do not hesitate to inquire more about the company through us, your solutions you will find with us
Official website: